- It Was All A Coordinated Lie! Anatomy Of The Worlds Largest Fear Campaign!
- Never Forget! Former Pfizer VP, Dr. Mike Yeadon: Everything We Have Been Told About COVID-19 Was A Lie!
- CONFIRMED: CDC Is Sending Mobile Crews To TEST ON Selected People… Asking Stance On Gun Ownership
- Over a Dozen Commercial Pilots Tell The Truth!! The Earth Is Not A Spinning Ball!!
In order to maintain a consistent altitude on a globe, a commercial airplane would need to be constantly adjusting the pitch of the plane to compensate for the curvature of the earth... But they don't.
- How Our Reality Actually Works According To Channeler, Daryl Anka, aka Bashar
- Sudden INJECTION Death (By Coincidence): The Ugly Truth Behind SIDS and SADS
- Exposing Satellites (Sataloons) – Are Satellites in “Space” Real? If So, Where Are They All?
We are told that there are well over 5,000 satellites in space yet we are never shown real images of them, only CGI. Why? Did you know that the thermosphere & exosphere (where satellites supposedly exist) reach temperatures of up the 3600-4500 degrees Fahrenheit, well beyond the melting point of many of the materials that make up satellites? Did you know that NASA is the world's largest consumer of helium? Question everything because nothing is as it seems.
- Catherine Austin Fitts: “It’s Financial Warfare”
- What Does The Jewish Talmud Say About Christ, Murder, Rape, Pedophilia & Non Jews? Talmud Exposed!
- Banking Whistleblower, Mike Gill: FTX, SVB, Silvergate & The Entire Banking System Is Complicit In Giant Drug Money Laundering Scheme! Fascinating Interview, Must Hear!!
In this explosive interview, banking whistle-blower, Mike Gill exposes a sophisticated network of corruption that involves the highest levels of government, including, senators, governors, judges, the DEA, FBI, & IRS. Former President Trump Is well aware of this network and was poised to expose in 2020. Gill also claims former Project Veritas founder, James O'Keefe was involved in one of the investigations but spiked the story.